
Showing posts from February, 2019


There have been different concepts and notions about love in our society as a result of the instilled knowledge we have gotten overtime based on our associations and the environment we find ourselves. And this has posited a lot of several controversies in our society especially amongst young minds who were not well informed earlier on the actual or true meaning of love. Basically in our society, love has been termed as an "emotional sentiment" spurred as a result of an attraction towards a person . This notion about love is very skeptical and critical because it's foundation is based on feelings or emotional attachments that most at times expects in return a level of affection and attention from the object of attraction,of which in most cases don't play out as expected and therefore causes a lot of emotional damage and clashes. Also,love as a concept has been abused and describe as a term that can only be expressed through sexual arousement that breeds out ...